How Students Get Best Buy Deals
Best Buy is the #1 retailer for consumer electronics. We work hard every day to enrich the lives of consumers through technology, whether they come to us online, visit our stores or invite us into their homes.
Best Buy gives students access to the top deals and featured offers on consumer electronics.
Up to 2.5% Cash Back
Gift cards, Apple products, subscriptions, select gaming products, select home computing products, delivery products, select mobile computing produ... Gift cards, Apple products, subscriptions, select gaming products, select home computing products, delivery products, select mobile computing products, select TV and video products are excluded from cash back. Use of coupons and promotional codes not on may void cash back. Additional restrictions may apply.
Best Buy is the #1 retailer for consumer electronics. We work hard every day to enrich the lives of consumers through technology, whether they come to us online, visit our stores or invite us into their homes.