Tripadvisor provides a comprehensive travel planning experience. Not only do we have 600M traveler’s reviews to help you decide where to stay, where to eat & what to do on your trip, now you can also book your hotel directly on Tripadvisor & get cash back on your booking!
Cash back is confirmed within 90 days of completed travel. Maximum booking value for cash back is $5,000. Cash back is only available on hotel book... Cash back is confirmed within 90 days of completed travel. Maximum booking value for cash back is $5,000. Cash back is only available on hotel bookings made on with the TripAdvisor price (no cash back on attractions, vacation rentals, or other non-hotel bookings). Bookings made through other booking partners on the TripAdvisor site and canceled bookings are not eligible for cash back. Cash back will be credited to your account after you have completed your stay. Use of coupons and promotional codes not on may void cash back. Some restrictions may apply.
Tripadvisor provides a comprehensive travel planning experience. Not only do we have 600M traveler’s reviews to help you decide where to stay, where to eat & what to do on your trip, now you can also book your hotel directly on Tripadvisor & get cash back on your booking!