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Explore DealsDownload the 7-Eleven App and within your account, verify your status under "Community Discounts". Discounts apply only to applicable stores listed... Download the 7-Eleven App and within your account, verify your status under "Community Discounts". Discounts apply only to applicable stores listed within the 7-Rewards app (7-Eleven Fuel). Discounts must be redeemed using applicable payment methods. Discounts can be applied for fill-ups up to 25 gallons, and discounts can stack up to $1/gallon. If you belong to multiple IDme communities, you can claim your highest eligible discount. The highest community discount stacks with our other types of fuel discounts, including our everyday 5c/gal offer. 7-Eleven has the right to end this promotion at any time. Additional restrictions may apply.
7-Eleven strives to be the first choice for convenience – anytime, anywhere. Today, 7-Eleven is a global brand with more stores than any other retailer in the world – more than 84,000 across 20 countries. 7-Eleven makes customers‘ days more awesome by delivering fast, personalized convenience.