Special Discounts For ID.ME Members

Anisa Beauty is proud to support medical professionals, students, teachers, military, government, and first responders. Verify your eligibility with ID.me to enjoy exclusive offers and discounts.

  • Step One for ID.me Discounts

    Add the item you would like to purchase to your cart and proceed to checkout.

  • Step 2 ID.me Discounts

    In your cart, select the green ID.me button to create an account and verify your status.

  • Step 3 ID.me Discounts

    Receive your ID.me discount code and redeem at checkout on eligible product.

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Whether you’re a member of the military, a first responder, doctor, nurse, teacher, student, government worker or student, we would like to show our appreciation by extending up to 20% off. Join the ID.me program on AnisaBeauty.com to verify your status and become eligible to up to 20% off discount codes, plus other exclusive offers. Some exclusions may apply.

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Whether you’re a medical professional, a member of the armed services, a first responder, student, teacher, or government employee, you’re apart of a collective that has access to special discounts from ANISA Beauty. Those who verify their affiliation with ID.me are eligible to receive up to 20% off their purchases.

Groups that qualify are first responders, hospital employees, medical providers, nurses, military service members, teachers, students, and government workers. Click here for more information for more information about verifying your eligibility.

Visit your cart, click on the green “verify with ID.me” icon and select “create an ID.me account”.

For general ID.me questions visit: https://help.id.me/hc/en-us